Thursday, July 31, 2008

1st post ever

Wow, I'm writing on the Internet. Blogging they call it. I hear it's the new popular thing. My dad started one, my girlfriend spent 6 hours frustrating herself with one and Perez Hilton has one.

My my it's my turn to have one.

Today is my last full day in Tel Aviv before taking off on a 2 month trip to Jordan then onto India. I'm looking forward to it and scared as well about how much stuff thier is to do, see and get the diareahea from.

For the last 5 months I've been living in Tel Aviv, half working, half playing and enjoying myself living like a college student, scraping the insides of the change dish and paying for beers with dimes. Oh how I don't miss the real world.

The 5 months here flew by. Many new friends, many memories, love, and Israel.

Bye Tel Aviv, hello Jordan.