India, wow. It's so much. Everywhere you look there is something going on. You can point a camera in any direction and get a picture that looks like some exotic postcard. People, animals, markets, roads, automobiles. It's all amazing and intimidating.
We've had some good days and some bad days here so far. It's not an easy country to travel in. It is definitely not a tourist resort where you can go and everything is friendly, simple and easy to use. Imagine the US with 4 times as many people and 8 times as many problems.
Today, as we were at yet another fort, this time in Jaipur, the capital of Rajastan with 12 million people I was thinking... What if the US had 1 billion people (like India) instead of 250 million. If i had to share everything I had with 11 other brothers and sisters!?! or my nice and what i consider small apartment with 7 other people instead of 1. It's that crowded here. The streets clogged, potholed and in need of constant repair and attention.
However, if i was a cow...
India would be the first place on my agenda. The cow's get to roam free. Today in a traffic jam the only ones getting through and making any forward progress where the cows and they looked content to battle traffic and eat along the way.
Also, at the fort there were Elephants, huge and small. In all I saw about 15 of them and none of them looked too happy. One of these elephants received an unwelcome surprise when 3 overweight westerners got on top of them for a ride. In protest the elephant started to get up with one of the heavy ones hanging off the back. The young boy driving the elephant proceeded to beat the huge beast over the head with his stick which got it to sit back down. I don't know but if i were that elephant i would buck those plumpers right off and head for the peanuts and if i had to overturn a couple cars in the process.
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If I WERE a cow.
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