After 2900 Kilometers in a tiny car with a strange India man posing as a guide and driver. We were, to say the least over travelling around in India and the hassle, bad weather, non paved roads and not being able to walk anywhere. It just wasn't the right season to travel in India. The Taj was beautiful and very Taj-esque. The cost for Indian people to enter the Taj is about 50 US cents. For foreigners it's about $20 US.
Whatever the reason for jumping ship on India we got airline tickets and off to the "Land of Smiles", Thailand.
As soon as we started our Thailand version of the trip I got a case of Delhi Belly and was running, galloping and trotting to the bathroom. My stomach was burbbling and upset, and still is for the last couple days.
Arriving in Thailand we took the city bus into downtown Bangkok we were greeted with an western guy, Joe Schmo negociating with a Thai hooker. Mind you, this was at 7am.
We are staying in the "flash-packer" district of Koa San road and it's a constant party with street pad thai, fake purses, clothes and fresh fruit vendors all hustling to get your money for "cheap cheap".
It's much more developed in Thailand. A little more expensive but first day there was blue skies and we sat by the pool.
Have some mangosteen and a massage for me. What is the street where there were all Israeli's?? How's your tummy??
7 am hooker negotations, sounds like a smart man to me. WHen dealing with Thai hookers, you always want to get them early, at the start of their shifts.
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