Saturday, September 13, 2008


Why is English the international languange? Boy oh boy did I get lucky that it's my first and more or less only language. I'm spoiled and so is every other American, Brit, Australian and Canadian that we don't really need to learn another language to be able to travel. What happens if you only spoke French?? Good luck trying to book a hotel room, take the bus or talk to any of your fellow travellers.

Travelling around the world you hear some damm funny conversations in chopped upped broken down Engrish. Everyone is trying thier best and most speak fairly well. I feel lucky that it isn't Spanish, Korean, Hindi or any other language needed to get by. Sometimes, actually a lot you can't help laughing when people are spending 20 minutes figuring out if the price is 17 or 72. If not first understood either one of the parties involved start raising thier voices thinking that yelling "17" or "72" will help them be understood...

Point of the rant is that more of us Americans should travel. It's easy, cheap(er than staying at home) and there are tons of things in the world to see, do and laugh at.

1 comment:

hot mama said...

Love the stories but I can't wait till you are back in LA
Happy Trails