Thursday, January 6, 2011

One year...almost

I havent blogged in a little under a year. Yes I know, you don't care. Neither do I.

After reading my friend Daniel's fecally charged blog post somewhere in the back of my mind remembered "my secret bathroom" entry. Daniel, I thank you and salute you.

Here is said entry.

He is doing much better now. Still funny, lively and definitely eccentric.

I used "my secret bathroom" this very morning while playing a level of the iphone game "Plants & Zombies".


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Making a casting call

At work I have what I consider to be my secrect bathroom. It's a room on the other side of our office building where I can "go" freely. This bathroom is special to me because it doesn't get a lot of traffic and people can't see you go in and out and know how much time you spent doing your buisness.

Well today was different. There were at least 25 amazing looking girls waiting for thier auditions right in front of my bathroom. This forced me to use the far inferior upstairs bathroom.

I did walk by twice grinning.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Me and the Internet

Sometimes I wonder what life was like before people had internet at work. I've experienced my whole working life with some form of the internet available at my desk.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I was just reading this article in a series of articles from Allan Weisbrecker Weisbrecker is one of my favorite writers and his tales of travelling, surfing, drug running and cosmic travel never fail to entertain.

His current Surfline piece is on the many places that he's actually lived and surfed in. This got me thinking about all the different places that I've lived in for an extended period of time.

West Hartford CT, Santa Monica & Hollywood CA , Boulder CO, Tel Aviv Israel (twice), Buenos Aires Argentina, San Jose Costa Rica.

This short list makes up the places that I've resided in for at least a month. Once the bags are unpacked the time in a place seems to slow down and I've had the pleasure of getting into somewhat of a groove in each of these places. Now, the groove I've been in back when I was a tot living in CT was a little bit different than as a 16yr old living in Costa Rica and so on and so forth. As I get older these long stays get into a deeper meaning for me. The experience taken and left in each of these places has a special place in my heart and mind. I often remember random things, people, tastes and sights from these sojurns. There is no favorite place and I don't know if there ever will be the ONE place that tops my list.

I love to travel and experience new places. Hopefully there will be many more.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Movie theatre crooks

I don't go out and pay to see a movie at the theatre that often. And when I do it's usually on a film I'm excited to see visually projected up onto the big screen so the $12-15 and 2 plus captive hours is well spent.

A few weeks back I went and saw the new James Bond film at the Marina Del Rey AMC and while the theatre was fine, chairs were okay, floors wern't too sticky, so so screen. What really killed me was this "pre-show" nonsense. The "pre-show" as I believe it's called in it's essence is supposed to be "pre" the show or before the movie starts. Kind of what I'm imagining previews to be like. Right?!?

The film (or the whole previews, dancing popcorn, turn off cell phone bullshit) was scheduled to start at 9:40pm.

9:30 rolls around and we slide into our seats. For the next 10 minutes there are harmless Television commercials playing while the audience trickles in.

9:40pm horay!! Bond is going to begin after a couple previews!!

9:40-9:50pm and these shitty TELEVISION COMMERCIALS have now been playing for 20 f-ing minutes!! Why in tarnation am I paying $11 to watch 10 minutes of television commercials??

9:50pm After the overly long drawn out commercials for consumer products there was 10 odd minutes of previews and announcements.

10pm : Bond...Finally, after 20 minutes of wasting my time the movie reveals itself.

Film directors, prodcuers and executives, who spend countless hours trying to analyze what the public will think of thier films never have to sit through 20 minutes of junk. They should!! Each time they go to screen a film, they should sit through commercials, previews and dancing cell phones and see how they like it.

I know a better movie going existence. It's out there and it doesn't involve paying to see things I can get for free on the internet or broadcast TV. Industry screenings, Netflix, Tivo, HBO, HULU, illegal downloads. All these things have been created to make our lives eaiser and more efficient AND are much cheaper than going to the theatre.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday 8am I voted. I was very excited to vote because not only would I be contribuiting to the democratic process but I would get a sticker that says "I voted". I think everyone really loves those stickers maybe more so than the actual voting.

My sticker was lost in transit having went to the polling place before work, I than come home for a shower and change. Before heading off to work I double checked that my precious sticker was on.

By the time I got to work and sat down it was gone.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ahhhh good wave good

Beautifully overcast Saturday at Malibu and Pat, Fro and I got great waves... More or less just like the video.